Anthony Capparelli

Privacy Policy

Privacy + GDPR
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU, effective as of 25th May 2018) strict laws are in place to protect the rights of individuals in regards to their personal data – be that email addresses, phone numbers, names, and any other information by which an individual may be identified.

This page outlines the responsibilities of this website and its owner (Anthony Capparelli) regarding the data of individuals who visit this site, detailing how this data is obtained, processed, and deleted.


To change your cookie preferences, please simply clear your cookies, and refresh the website – you will be asked for your consent and preferences again.

Cookies are small packets of data which are placed onto the user’s computer when they access a web-page, and are used to provide the user with a smooth experience, for marketing and data collection. Many cookies are essential for the basic running of websites, affecting page-navigation, menus, and loading. Others are used to provide secure connections between the user’s browser and a website, to ensure an encrypted connection, and protect the user’s data. Some are used by companies to gather analytics information and track user behaviour. The majority of cookies are called “session cookies”, which will only remain stored on the user’s device for the duration of your web-session, and will be deleted once the browser is closed. Some other cookies are “permanent”, and are stored indefinitely until they are deleted by the user. You can adjust your general cookie settings through the “settings” tab in your browser. Please refer to your individual browser settings for information about managing cookies on specific browsers.

A list of the cookies used on this website can be found on the cookie banner which appears when you load this website (to access this banner again, or to change preferences, please simply refresh the website and it will appear)

More information about cookies can be found at

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

The internet service provider of this web page automatically logs access from the user’s browser. The following data is registered and stored:

Browser version and type
Operating system
IP address of computer
Time of request
Search strings used on search engines
It is not possible to identify individuals using the above data.

Please contact your internet service provider for more information about how your data is logged and processed.


This website contains links to other sites. is in no way responsible for or endorses the content of external sites. This privacy policy applies to this domain ( only. External sites will have their own privacy policies, links to which can often be found at the footer of web-pages.

Your Data

Where is it stored?

By contacting me via the email address on the “Contact” page of this website, regarding performing, teaching, or otherwise, your email address (and any other relevant personal information that you provide, ie. name, contact number) will be stored on a secure, password protected, online email server provided by Google. This server is accessed through an encrypted connection on a secure browser, from a secure, password-protected, antivirus-protected computer and smart-phone.

How long is it held?

If your email is a query relating to contractual services in my capacity as a wedding photographer, then this data will be held until 24 months after the date of initial contact. After these periods, the data will be removed from the email server.

Any data held in invoices (for example, name, address, bank details) will be held for 7 years after the end of the relevant tax-year submission (annually, on December 31st). This is in accordance with the IRS’s requirements on record-keeping. Further information can be found at

At any point, you may request that your data be preserved after this period by contacting me via, and providing your explicit written consent. You reserve the legal right to request a copy of this data, or request correction or deletion of this data, as detailed below.

What is recorded?

Data recorded through emails via the contact page will include:

Your email address
Data which may also be recorded include:

Your name (if given)
Your telephone number (if given)
Your postal address (if given)
This data will be held for the sole purposes of responding to enquiry, and the carrying out of contractual agreements – ie. contact with the individual regarding performance/teaching, invoices relating to the performances/teaching.

What is it used for?

Your data is used for the purposes of:

correspondence regarding enquiries, commissions, or bookings
maintaining accurate business record-keeping (ie., invoicing)

Your personal data will never be used for marketing purposes, or be shared with any third-parties, other organisations, or individuals. In the event that a commission or project requires the engagement of a third party (ie, additional performers, venues, etc.) and it becomes contractually pertinent to share this information, this will only be done with your explicit individual written consent, which may be withdrawn at any time by writing to me via email as detailed below.

In compliance with US and international law, in the case of suspected criminal activity or other legal obligation, this data may be shared with the relevant US or international authorities.

At any point, you may exercise your legal right to request a copy of all personal data I hold. This will be freely provided without unreasonable delay. You reserve the right to request correction, or deletion of this personal data. If you have any concerns about how your data is held or processed, wish to request a copy of any data held about you, or wish to have your data corrected or deleted, please contact me via, and I will respond as soon as possible.